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Very Excited :)
I met with a biz advisor who understands what I want to create and sell and helped me leap ahead with that. I made it into roleplay finally as it was ending, but making final decision today on new tablet with phone ability and getting that all set up asap then I will have new hardware just for sales and all the classes/programs with Andreas. AND I gained awesome insights to help my clients. I have long known that my manager at work creates issues faster than she can solve because she is busy "putting out fires" instead of being a leader, but the other day it was like when I was a little kid and I would lift a big rock and see all the ants and bugs scurrying around in panic mode. I was the only one seeing it all from a higher perspective and understanding it should not be this way if we want to actually get anywhere. I also understand why she keeps doing it that way and will never change. I can use this to help my biz clients when I am coaching them! YAY! If I am missing here it is only because I am busy with THIS in another way. I am committed to replacing my full time job with my activities here with you. This is where I belong and I am grateful. Have an amazing productive day everyone! and remember that productive does not mean bizzy bizzy frantic bizzy. It means reflection, insight, stepping back sometimes, upgrading here and there (hardware, skills, practice, understanding....) If we are learning to ride horses there are so many things to learn before we become a Master. Same with sales and having a business. But the rewards are beyond what we could have imagined. Enjoy the journey not just the "getting there" because it just keeps getting better and never ends. :)
New comment May 16
Start Strong: High Standards for Daily Success
Starting your week strong means setting high standards daily. Did you keep the promises you made to yourself yesterday? Are you on pace to meet your weekly goals? Many procrastinate until mid-week, then scramble to catch up. Don't wait. Start checking off those tasks now, and let the momentum propel you through the week. Time to get moving! ACTION: Share your one motivation words for yourself to keep moving this week!
New comment May 16
🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 WINs !!!
Sorry yall for disappearing .. I had so many wins these past days but been away from this platform. Can’t keep up with a post for every single one of them. Today’s win was amazing ! I did make 2 sales but One of them was using good communication skills. When doing outreach, communication skills are a must ! Had made like 4-6 appmnts today had 3 people show up And sold 2 cars. I’ll be away from here but come back once in a while. I’m really excited working and enjoying life.
New comment Apr 27
Boom! 🥳
Today I made really close to $500. Set 7 appmnts Had 3 people in the show room Closed 1 and half. Got a $25 dollar gift card again lol. You might be wondering how this is related to outreach, Well, if I have never had 3 people show up, I would have never made what I made today. Why did they show up? Because of outreach. Even with appmnts set with Inbound calls, when it’s been 10 minutes and we don’t see the show, what we need to do? Outreach. So Boom! 🥳
New comment Apr 27
Boom! 🥳
Closed my second MRR client
I just closed my second dental client to provide digital marketing service for a dental clinic in Australia. Looking forward to closing more deals, especially in the US.
New comment Apr 25
Closed my second MRR client
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Sales Outreach Accelerator
"Prospect cannot lose. It's YOU, the salesperson, that needs to evolve." -Andreas
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