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Sales Outreach Accelerator

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16 contributions to Sales Outreach Accelerator
Fun Roleplay Session
It was fun roleplay conrgats to @Betsy Daggett and @Salim Soui that took action, overcame shadow self and ONE STEP CLOSER to reach your goals!! Share your takeaways Remember - LEARN DO TEACH
New comment May 16
1 like • May 16
It was very fun and enlightening! I realized I have a habit to break! I realized that I fall back on talking about "features and benefits" of my product and that leads to CHATTY and "look how great my product is" and that is not what I want to do on future sales calls! So grateful :)
Very Excited :)
I met with a biz advisor who understands what I want to create and sell and helped me leap ahead with that. I made it into roleplay finally as it was ending, but making final decision today on new tablet with phone ability and getting that all set up asap then I will have new hardware just for sales and all the classes/programs with Andreas. AND I gained awesome insights to help my clients. I have long known that my manager at work creates issues faster than she can solve because she is busy "putting out fires" instead of being a leader, but the other day it was like when I was a little kid and I would lift a big rock and see all the ants and bugs scurrying around in panic mode. I was the only one seeing it all from a higher perspective and understanding it should not be this way if we want to actually get anywhere. I also understand why she keeps doing it that way and will never change. I can use this to help my biz clients when I am coaching them! YAY! If I am missing here it is only because I am busy with THIS in another way. I am committed to replacing my full time job with my activities here with you. This is where I belong and I am grateful. Have an amazing productive day everyone! and remember that productive does not mean bizzy bizzy frantic bizzy. It means reflection, insight, stepping back sometimes, upgrading here and there (hardware, skills, practice, understanding....) If we are learning to ride horses there are so many things to learn before we become a Master. Same with sales and having a business. But the rewards are beyond what we could have imagined. Enjoy the journey not just the "getting there" because it just keeps getting better and never ends. :)
New comment May 16
0 likes • May 16
@Drew Budiman This week I have "reshaped" my feelings while at work. My coworkers are always complaining about the customers and can get very negative. I am always cracking jokes in the chat to keep it light but I get into sarcasm mode when I start to feel worn down. Now I remind myself that I am in a place of privilege because I am an integral part of my CEO's mission to scale the business from $50 million to $100 million in annual revenue. When I focus on THAT, then the fact I am taking non-stop "emergency" calls about poopy toilets and kitchen sink clogs does not bother me any more. LOL - I am practicing seeing my entire life from a higher perspective regardless of what I may be doing at that moment. I am so grateful for this transition and everything my current job has given to me.
Signs, Action and Leveling Up
This is a packed post, as I have stuff to DO today. Life handed me many challenges and I became jaded and negative to a degree that I did not even notice because it seemed "appropriate" or even "amazingly positive" given the circumstances - that's bull crap tbh, I see that more clearly now. I was comparing my attitude to the average person, so it seemed to be good. Now I do a constant "vibe check" and even if I feel great, can I make it better? YES - even as a child I ALWAYS invested time, money and energy to advance my (future) career as an artist and my quest to become a philanthropist. Yesterday I decided to listen to all the audios from a top level program I completed several years ago, as I went about my house chores and even in the background while logged in at my job. By the end of my shift I was battling physical pain from just using a mouse so much and weary from loud construction and disruption going on at my apartment complex which is under new management. But I checked into FB before bed anyway and first thing I saw was a post from a trusted person telling me basically the same thing I heard in the audios earlier- Then Andreas's LIVE popped up so I joined that and he was saying the same thing! Be BOLD and TENACIOUS like a child who is determined to get what they want or need. INVEST in only that which contributes to our highest good- we are investing every thought, feeling and action at all time so CHOOSE the best investment we can imagine or afford at the moment, it will lead to MORE of the SAME (law of attraction) plant that seed and water it and love it into a BIG TREE. Climb the tree, build a house, have a picnic up there and enjoy the view. Then climb higher and higher and higher. Enjoy the momentum of success. Let it be your "new normal" and your home with no apology. WHAT is it in your life that keeps getting put off or avoided out of fear or legit stuff just happening causing frustrating delays? Whatever that priority is JUST DO IT NOW with zero excuses. Today I am taking action but also looking at a list of important stuff that has "piled up" and putting it in my date book and on my calendar to show myself a commitment to having it done and moving beyond. I have not watched TV in decades, I have no clue what is happening in politics or these things on the news and I don't care about any of that. If it is truly important for me to know, it will come to my attention somehow and at the right time to give it my attention if needed. I don't care if I am ignorant about what everyone else is talking about. I don't care if I look or sound stupid in small talk conversations or have to Google stuff that others are aware of. Examine the R.O.I. of each thought - is this thought a SEED I want to allow to grow in my garden of life experience? CHOOSE. Is this FEELING I feel now something I want more of or less of/ If less than change the channel immediately or just meditate and refresh with some emptiness. Emptiness is needed and feels great, like sleeping, it gives our brain a break. ANSWERS can shut us down and pinch off new important questions - answers are the "thrill that kills" creativity - where our power is. EXPLORE, grow, invest and stay on the trail of personal expansion - wealth is the dirt under our feet on THAT trail. It serves a supportive function in our daily quest to be like children in a wish granting environment. Enjoy that trail and I will be there too on that journey. ENJOY your day, get some perspective and INVEST in leveling up your attitude, skills, connections, confidence, boldness, connection to your own spirit and whatever it is that seems "out of reach" or "too good to be true" and all that nonsense. I BELIVE in MYSELF and I BELIVE IN YOU.
New comment May 16
0 likes • May 16
@Drew Budiman Let's GOOOOOOOOooooo!!!
This may sound dumb but...
MY CAT (who has his own profile on FB) and I were both invited to a group called "Future Billionaires" and my only hesitation was the word "future" cuz it never happens, there is only ever NOW. I thought "oh this will be fun and I can use it to help monetize my cat's profile (on my list anyway) and build my pipeline. HOWEVER, the group turned out to be all about "F4F" and E4E" which I did not know is evidently some sort of thing to outsmart FB algorithms and just get more meaningless followers and engagement. Many in the group talked about just getting out of "FB jail" or "off restriction" and I decided this is totally the wrong focus and my cat and I BOTH left the group. Like, what's up with that/ it seems to be really stupid to me and a total waste of my valuable time and energy. I feel zero glory in amassing zombie followers and collecting likes and sterile cliché comments when I could be juicing lemons or cleaning the algae out of my lovely fountain in my living room. Or clipping my toe nails. Am I missing something important? Open to enlightenment - that is why I am in THIS group.
New comment May 16
0 likes • May 16
@Drew Budiman OK, so I take it that groups like this really are useless. Outsmarting FB seems like a dumb focus. I choose to focus on my customers. Thank you!
How to start doing sales outreach?
Share your experience, thoughts, and comments! I'd like to hear your story.
New comment May 16
How to start doing sales outreach?
0 likes • May 16
I remember as a kid I went to work with my dad - he had an office and a warehouse type place and a truck and a "dictaphone" which was a device that preceded the old answering machines with the cassette tape recordings. I remember listening to customers and watching him call them back. I remember going with him to deliver product. I always wanted to be an artist. In the fourth grade a classmate offered me their lunch money for a crayon picture I drew of a horse. I accepted and I was hooked and on fire from then on. In high school whenever I wanted money I would go around telling people I am open for orders. I took half the money down and the other half when I completed and delivered the art they requested. I had a money back guarantee but every customer was satisfied and appreciative of my talent. I never lacked for money and I also worked in the vineyards and worked with my dad on his businesses. Earning my own money from childhood has given me the confidence to make major changes whenever needed in my life.
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Betsy Daggett
4points to level up

Active 2d ago
Joined Jan 29, 2024
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