This video got my Facebook Ads account blocked.
As promised, here’s the video that got my Facebook Ads account blocked.
Honestly, I don’t see what’s so controversial about it…it’s pretty spot on imo.
If you’re currently “on the market” I couldn’t think of a more perfect place to polish up your sales chops:
1. ⁠Prospect/Qualify your match
2. ⁠Lead off with an opening line that cuts through the noise and grabs their attention.
3. ⁠Build a case for a first meeting (date)
4. ⁠Discover if y’all are a good fit
5. ⁠Close and/or establish clear and meaningful next steps
Am I crazy for thinking that sales is a lot like dating?
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Vinnie Hecht
This video got my Facebook Ads account blocked.
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