For those who may have noticed, a couple of courses have gone live in the group! We've been busy polishing it up and putting all the resources together so it's the best it can be -- and while we'll still be doing minor changes here and there, we're so excited to share it, we didn't want to hold it back anymore!
The basics of growing indoors including methods, equipment, and a step-by-step guide to transforming your kitchen counter! Be sure to share your personal counter transformations to the group, we can't wait to see what you start growing! 💚
Enough people have asked about getting recipe inspiration and what to do with their microgreens after they purchase from us at the Farmers Markets -- so we just finished up this course here! It's a simple place to reference when you want to identify your microgreens, know how to store them efficiently, and a growing list of recipe ideas from the community! 😊
Please feel free to dig in, and report back with any feedback so far. Things like typos or bad punctuation can slip through the cracks sometimes! and stay tuned for when we get our other projects done, like the Growing Microgreens 101, and Mushroom interview! 👋