Business Background
2019- Started running Grew the Instagram page from 800 followers to 34k within 9 months. Sales went from $100 per month to $3k per month to this day.
2021- Founded - (I wanted something I could put on a resume, and Clothing is a much better market than Parody Medals) Started the IG page from scratch and while working full time slowly grew the Business. Best Month I've had was OCT 2023. Did over $68k in sales.
I ended 2023 with BFA doing 50k in sales and FBS 200k in sales.
I HAVE NO PROFFESIONAL BUSINESS EDUCATION - And have never attended College.
I resigned my fulltime job as a MachineGun Manufacturer for OhioOrdnanceWorks in August of 2023.
Being fully transparent I've been coaching individuals on the side for a couple months now and its starting to become repetitive. So to alleviate that I plan on making videos and paid courses for people interested on improving themselves and they're business. (A Business will never outgrow the Founder)
So please let me know what concerns you have and ill see how I can help. I already added SEVERAL free resources which are worth more than most 5k paid courses. But they're worth nothing if you don't watch or implement them.
"The Man who says he can, and the man who says he can not. Are both correct."- Confucius
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Richard Recio
Business Background
Trying to help veterans get closer to their goals by sharing resources that have helped me on my journey.
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