🦺The Power of Showing Up: It's 80% of Life
Woody Allen once said, 'Showing up is 80 percent of life.' That's about right. Life's packed with things we'd rather not do. But when we bring our whole selves—mind, body, and spirit—things tend to work out. Showing up is how we learn about ourselves and lend a hand to others.
What does showing up really mean? It's more than just being present. It means actively participating in your recovery program. It means speaking up in meetings, not just sitting in the back. It means being there for your family and friends, and truly engaging with the world around you.
Showing up is about caring. It’s listening when someone’s day falls apart. It’s seeing a bit of yourself in others and reaching out to someone who’s getting on your nerves. It means laughing out loud when something's genuinely funny, and allowing yourself to cry when you’re overwhelmed.
You're important. Your presence matters. It’s crucial to bring every part of you to every part of your life. Ask yourself: Am I really showing up, or just going through the motions?
Today's Action: As I move through my day, I'll think about how I'm showing up. Am I just there, or am I fully present? I'll give myself a pat on the back for every moment I'm truly engaged. It’s about doing your part, showing up, and making a difference.
Adam Avignone-Green
🦺The Power of Showing Up: It's 80% of Life
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