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The Five Forces
The standard for competitive strategy comes from Michael Porter. I will be covering these and how to implement them in my course. It gets kind of heady, but it isn't as complicated as it sounds.
The Five Forces
This Week's Newsletter by me on LinkedIn
This week I am writing about the changing world of sales.
Making the Most of Social Media
As I start this community, one thing is becoming apparent to me. I have way too many connections on LinkedIn and friends on Facebook that I have no relationship with. I have always wondered why I have so little reach on social media. I believe this is one reason why. These are networks of people you know, not a list of potential prospects or just people that randomly want to connect. If my connections on these networks were more authentic, they would be much more effective as my network. We all need each other, and we need real connections and friends online that we can support and who can support us. Too many people that you have no relationship in your social network connections, dilutes your ability to use your network for a resource, and to be able to support others as well. I am making a commitment now to unfriend people who are not real connections on Facebook, and disconnect with people on LinkedIn that are outside my domain of influence or whom I am not seeking a relationship online. As a CEO, your personal network is vital to the future of your career. I learned after my first business that you can't just go out and find another CEO job. You have to develop close relationships with other business owners or company directors or boards of companies that can be a potential for you to either consult with, or possibly work as a CEO. Without these, when you leave your CEO post in your current job, you'll be unemployed for an extended period of time, and your next job will likely not be a CEO, or even in the C-Suite. You'll be left with consulting as your only option besides dumbing down your resume and pretending to be an experienced (whatever you are good at). Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are about this.
New comment 7d ago
My Latest LinkedIn Newsletter
You can see it at this link:
My Latest LinkedIn Newsletter
What a Week!
I have had quite a bit going this week. I am working on a webinar to replace the partially completed one I have. I am making massive improvements to it. Made a lot of progress this week. I can't wait to get it uploaded. I may change the structure of the courses as well. My ideas for this have developed significantly. Thanks for the feedback I have received. Keep it coming! I also attended, at least partially, one of the big marketing events that happen every year for Online Marketing. Russell Brunson's Funnel Hacking Live. He is turning out to be the big gorilla of online Selling. Selling techniques are changing. Cold calling and one to one prospecting is being trumped by one to many selling. Exciting stuff!
What a Week!
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