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How to 10x Your Sales When You Have No Idea HOW to Grow
I get it—you want to grow your business, but the sales just aren’t coming in like you thought they would. You’re SOO ready to help more people and finally build that business you’ve dreamed about for so long, but right now, everything feels foggy and you’re not sure what the next step is. If you’re nodding along right now, you need to know the health of your sales blueprint to grow your business. Think of a sales blueprint as a big picture map showing how your dream clients move from just hearing about you to becoming loyal customers. It’s basically about guiding traffic (people who see you) → into leads (people who connect with you) → and then into customers (people who buy from you). Each part of this journey needs a system, a strategy, and a clear intention. When you figure out which part of your journey—or which specific system or strategy—isn’t working as well as it could, that’s when you can 10x your sales! Sooo, that’s why I’ve created a Sales Blueprint Health Check for you! It’s a simple tool to help you start setting goals that actually get results. 🎯 Here’s how it works: Read each question and rate yourself on a scale from 1-5 (1 being "I totally disagree" and 5 being "I totally agree"). Once you’ve gone through all the questions, add up your scores for each section (out of 25). Here’s what your scores mean: - 0-5: Needs Deep Focus. This part of your blueprint needs some serious love. It’s time to dive in, develop new strategies, find resources, or get expert advice. - 6-10: Needs Focus. There are some strengths here, but definitely room for improvement. Identify where you scored lower and make a plan to boost those areas. - 11-15: Strong Foundation. You’re doing well here! Keep refining and optimizing to maintain and build on this success. - 16-20: Excellent Performance. Amazing work! Your strategies are really effective, and you’re seeing great results. Keep it up and stay focused on what’s working. - 21-25: Mastery Level. Wow, you’ve mastered this area! You’re crushing it, and it shows. Keep doing what you’re doing, and maybe think about mentoring others or expanding your methods.
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New comment 23d ago
4 Tips to Shift Your Money Mindset TODAY
Every healer knows that the work they do is essential for making a positive impact in the world. Butttt, making that impact requires more than just passion—it requires a sustainable and thriving business. And we all know that financial struggles are one of the biggest barriers preventing healers from fully stepping into their purpose. When you’re worried about money, it’s hard to focus on serving others and expanding your reach. How are you ever expected to make the impact you desire and truly prosper in your spiritual business if you don’t have the right support system and strategies in place? Your healing brings light to the world, and you deserve to be compensated… So here’s 4 tips to shift your money mindset TODAY: 💸✨ ✨ It's time to harmonise your worth with your wealth and I’m going to help you get there. So, let's pivot: 1. Forgive: For past underpricing, for hiding your light, forgive yourself. Write 1 thing you’re forgiving yourself for related to MONEY. Say it out-loud and LET IT GO. Do a release ritual. Don’t miss this step!! 2. Pricing Services: Your abilities, your offer, YOU are priceless and your time valuable. Your worth does not equal $$$. It cannot, because there is no price on your worth. Set your rates to reflect the transformation you offer. 3. Marketing: Think about where you would be today if no-one offered you support. Imagine how cold the world would be if no-one shared their story, their transformations or offered support to one another? Turn your social media into a story of your healing, your story. 4. Release the emotional charge: Money is not your enemy. Akashic or energetic clearing can help untangle any emotional webs that you hold around money. Dive into what exactly about money feels icky…maybe you’ll even find it’s not ‘money’ that makes you feel icky…but the stories you’ve told yourself MONEY MEANS 🔥 Your gifts are meant for GREATNESS, not just scraping by. Comment below what came up for you reading this! Your input is valuable! Comment, like, and engage with others to earn points and unlock more courses. The more you give, the more you get in return!
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New comment Aug 11
Important Information & Guidelines
I'm sooo honoured & excited to have you here and can’t wait to see all the incredible things you’ll manifest. This post is your go-to guide for everything you need to know to make the most out of your experience in our community x 1. Community Guidelines To keep this space positive, supportive, and aligned with our vibe of FUN, CONNECTION & GROWTH, here are a few guidelines we ask everyone to follow: ➡️Be Respectful: Treat every member with kindness and respect. We’re here to support and uplift each other. ➡️Confidentiality: What’s shared in the community stays in the community. Respect everyone’s privacy and confidentiality. 2. How to Earn Points and Level Up Our community uses a gamification system to make your journey even more fun! Here’s how it works: ➡️Points: You earn points every time someone likes your post or comment. 1 like = 1 point. The more valuable your contributions, the more points you’ll earn. ➡️Levels: As you accumulate points, you’ll level up and unlock new content and courses. Check your profile to see how many points you need to reach the next level. ➡️Course Unlocks by Level As you level up, you’ll gain access to exclusive courses designed to help you grow your business and mindset: - Level 2: Unlocks the Clarity course. - Level 3: Unlocks the Mindset course. - Level 4: Unlocks the Business Foundation course. - Level 5: Unlocks the Client Attraction course. - Level 6: Unlocks the Abundance course. Make sure to engage regularly to unlock these valuable resources! 4. How to Get the Most Out of the Community ➡️Introduce Yourself: Head over to the Collaboration & Networking category and introduce yourself. Let us know who you are, what you do, and what you’re hoping to achieve here. ➡️Ask Questions: If you have any questions, use the Q&A's category. No question is too big or too small! ➡️Share Your Wins: We love celebrating progress! Use the Wins & Celebrations category to share your victories, no matter how big or small. ➡️Collaborate: Looking to collaborate with someone? Need feedback on an idea? The Collaboration & Networking category is the perfect place to connect.
New comment Aug 9
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