4 Tips to Shift Your Money Mindset TODAY
Every healer knows that the work they do is essential for making a positive impact in the world. Butttt, making that impact requires more than just passion—it requires a sustainable and thriving business.
And we all know that financial struggles are one of the biggest barriers preventing healers from fully stepping into their purpose. When you’re worried about money, it’s hard to focus on serving others and expanding your reach.
How are you ever expected to make the impact you desire and truly prosper in your spiritual business if you don’t have the right support system and strategies in place?
Your healing brings light to the world, and you deserve to be compensated… So here’s 4 tips to shift your money mindset TODAY: 💸✨
✨ It's time to harmonise your worth with your wealth and I’m going to help you get there.
So, let's pivot:
  1. Forgive: For past underpricing, for hiding your light, forgive yourself. Write 1 thing you’re forgiving yourself for related to MONEY. Say it out-loud and LET IT GO. Do a release ritual. Don’t miss this step!!
  2. Pricing Services: Your abilities, your offer, YOU are priceless and your time valuable. Your worth does not equal $$$. It cannot, because there is no price on your worth. Set your rates to reflect the transformation you offer.
  3. Marketing: Think about where you would be today if no-one offered you support. Imagine how cold the world would be if no-one shared their story, their transformations or offered support to one another? Turn your social media into a story of your healing, your story.
  4. Release the emotional charge: Money is not your enemy. Akashic or energetic clearing can help untangle any emotional webs that you hold around money. Dive into what exactly about money feels icky…maybe you’ll even find it’s not ‘money’ that makes you feel icky…but the stories you’ve told yourself MONEY MEANS
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Tanita Bassett
4 Tips to Shift Your Money Mindset TODAY
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