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Friday Mentorship Call is happening in 5 days
Deliverance Training
There has been some preliminary discussion from the Pastor about the need to help the congregation better understand deliverance ministry. The need is very real amongst the homeless, drug affected people that the Lord is sending our way. It's likely I would end up with the training job. Does anyone have a write up that your church uses please, that’s not copyrighted? Also a written church protocol for deliverance training? It would save me some time. Nothing too elaborate. Thanks! 😊
New comment 13h ago
Revelation from a blind man
Hello everyone! When a blind man share a revelation to me as a message he received for me. Should I accept the revelation and begin to work on it or I should pray that God should give the revelation to me myself for confirmation before I take steps? A blindman shared a dream he had about me that I should begin a program online tag deliverance online, he mentioned it in my language (itusile ori afefe). He said he saw I was doing the program and my voice was acceptable. This man has not seen me physically because he is blind but he said he knew it was me because of my voice. I asked him that what language was I speaking in the dream and he said I was speaking my language and English.
New comment 5d ago
Deliverance Questions
OK, I was praying over someone last night who needed deliverance. I ended up giving him a sick bag, as he was being set free from asthma and a number of other things. He coughed and dribbled a bit. 1) Someone said you can command a demon not to vomit. Your thoughts on that please? 2) Online, I've watched people coughing, what some have called a "poisonous substance". That's not been my experience. Can anyone shed some light on that please?
New comment 5d ago
If a grandparent has a generational curse broken...
If a grandparent has a generational curse broken, what happens in the realm of the spirit to the children and grand children? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
New comment 7d ago
When you dream about a prophet
In my dream I had Roma Waterman ( who’s course I have been doing for three years) Lay hands on me and I went down when her finger touched, like a tap I suddenly went down - like slain in the spirit but I had an electric pulse that moved my body . Just wondering what it means when you have a prophet minister to you in your dream ?
New comment 10d ago
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