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Friday Mentorship Call is happening in 5 days
Healing Testimony
Here's a testimony from church last night. We had a female visitor (with cerebral palsy I think). She had been previously raised up from her wheel chair, not sure when. She asked for prayer for her severely malformed right hand. Using oil, I prayed over each joint, and we saw the bones and joints align!!! The odd thing is her thumb went to twist back at one point, so I prayed a second time. She said she had the tingles, and is ecstatic with the outcome! She had this condition all her life. That's our Jesus, a miracle working God, who is present to heal. I wondered if we were accompanied by a healing angel. Praise God!
New comment 5h ago
My scripture for the week. 1 John 5:14 NKJV "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask ANYTHING ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, He hears us." I saw 2 backs healed tonight. Also, a woman who had massive deliverance last Sunday told me tonight she has been experiencing the best sleep now! What a privilege it is to partner with Jesus! My heart is full! <3
Angel of the Lord Protecting
So I went to see an apartment complex we spent maybe an hour with the leasing agent. When we were going to discuss the details this woman came looking for a staples box that was shipped there by mistake. What threw me off was that she said this was her address 18 years ago and the address she gave didn't even exist in the property. She seems a bit distracted and I felt in the spirit she disoriented. I had to go the ladies room. For whatever reason this property was renovating the office and there was a big box of tile floors blocking a door that you used to go to the bathroom. When I was returning I knew that there was a box but for some reason this lady was distracting everyone around us. My body hit the box and I began to see myself about to fall. I felt an Angel catch me stopped my body even go forward. It was as gravitity did not apply to me. My mom and the leasing agent you can see the fear as if I was going to go down. But saw the miraculous protection of my God. To God be all the glory.
New comment 12d ago
Healing of Knee
During the prayer today when Jack called out someone's knee I knew this was for me. I layed my hands on my knee as I received the Fathers healing. The moment I left the prayer no pain in my knee. It used to be such bad pain especially when I sat down for long periods of time. Dr said miscenus tear. I walked out and noticed how brand new my knee felt and no pain. Thank u Jesus! Our God is the same yesterday today and forever and He is Jehovah Rapha MY HEALER. It is my inheritance by the sacrifice made by Jesus. Healing is the children's bread and I am a daughter of the Almighty. He is the great Physician. It is who he is! I am whole, nothing missing nothing broken. I give you all the glory, honor, and praise my God.
New comment 14d ago
I just got to finish watching the zoom from Friday that I had to miss because I went to an incredible Encounter weekend. I just wanted to thank you Prophet Jack for the amazing teaching and also I’m so in awe of God from the word Brian shared. I can’t even put into words how confirming that word was for me in so many ways. God used it powerfully to speak, confirm and guide me as well as answer questions I had been praying about. I’m so grateful to be a part of this community!!!!! 🙌🏼🔥
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