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What are you doing for Cybersecurity?
Recently dived into the options around cybersecurity. There are only three listed currently in the Cybersecurity category on Kitces. Also, what's your understanding of compliance vs. cybersecurity?
7 members have voted
New comment Jun 19
Alternatives to Ignition
I've seen the following but checking in to see what other folks have for proposals, billing, and contracts. - PandaDoc - Proposify - Qwilr - - Copilot - Moxo SuiteDash - Bonsai - Dubsado
New comment May 24
The Booked Financial Advisor
Hi all. I was approached last week by Lance Miller the CEO of the Booked Financial Advisor The Booked Financial Advisor. His pitch is that he will get you $100mm in AUM is 12 months or he will refund all of your money. I was obviously extremely skeptical having been in the business 20+ years, but I looked into it. I can find nothing on Lance, his company, or anything he has done so I thought I would post here and see if anyone has any experience with him? If he is legit than more power to him and his guarantees, but if not, I just want to make sure that younger or less experienced advisors aren't being taken advantage of. Marketing is hard enough in our business without these kind of silver bullet promises. I look forward to any feedback.
New comment May 14
Risk tolerance question
Looking for recommendations on a risk solution for an advisor: He has used Riskalyze/Finametrica to build a custom questionnaire that the number corresponds to the amount of the portfolio they are willing to lose. i.e. A risk score of 33 equals a 33% loss in the portfolio I haven't demoed many tools in this category - what do you recommend?
New comment May 9
How do you document Rollover analysis?
Referencing: "How to Handle the DOL’s New IRA Rollover Rule" by Bob Veres... The article discusses the U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) new rule on IRA rollovers, which treats any advisor-recommended rollover from a 401(k) not managed by the advisor to an IRA managed by them as a prohibited transaction unless it is clearly in the client's best interest. It emphasizes the need for advisors to document that the rollover benefits the client, following fiduciary standards under ERISA. The article provides insights from various financial advisors on how they handle these regulations through detailed documentation and client communication. What advisortech have you considered to help with this?
New comment May 3
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