🧠 You & Einstein may have This in Common!?
This is not for the 90%, but if you follow it, you will be unstoppable.
By unstoppable, I mean two things: fulfilled and growing fast.
The 90% choose once, and the 10% choose every single day.
I choose every single day! Let me tell you what I mean by that.
Think about people you know who are working 9-5, or maybe you are still in the matrix.
9-5 was a choice. It starts with the pressure to choose what to do after high school. There isn’t even a choice not to go to uni. The question is which domain you choose.
In school, I was a C-B & A student at different levels. I graduated in General Sciences with a C-plus.
But that means nothing… you probably have noticed that it means nothing.
But what meant something is how come?
I got:
A-plus in Math, A-plus in Physics, A-plus in Chemistry, A in Psychology & Philosophy, and A in Language.
😂 but then E in History, E in Geography, and F in Law.
So the average was a C.
Obviously, I am all about problem-solving. “Forget memorization of unuseful data.”
It was not me who was wrong; it was the system.
After school, I decided, “Forget the normal path.”
I thought about what I wanted to do, and it was to go away… to a new country.
I searched for options and decided to study Computer Science in Germany.
COOL decision.
But the only UNCOOL thing was how to do that.
I had no idea.
My parents were not millionaires. But they loved me, and that’s enough.
So I decided to work in construction for two years to save money so I could travel abroad.
You have no idea how hard it is until you try.
But guess what? This time was so fun. I used to look at work as training. I had the best physique back then.
The workload with healthy food did magic.
So at least, as my friends were arguing that “you are doing it the wrong way,”
I had my shredded body as proof of concept that working in construction is better than their studies 😂
People all over the place would argue with me, “Why are you not in uni?”
I replied, “I am saving money to travel so I can study abroad.”
They asked, “But what if it does not work?”
I said, “It will WORK.”
One year and eight months later, I had a call in the morning that woke me up on my resting day.
I grabbed my phone to snooze, thinking it was the alarm.
To see it is “01…” calling me. This is the Beirut code.
I jumped from the bed, alert as if I had drunk five coffees.
Stood on the balcony and accepted the call.
“Mr. Taha, your study visa is accepted. We are open from Tuesday till Friday, 8 am till 3 pm. Come grab your visa.”
The BRO was jumping from happiness. Literally jumping and shouting.
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeee, yeah!”
Like Cristiano Ronaldo winning the final. 😂
Long story short, the same decision I took back then to not take the normal path led me to have an
international online business, doing what I love.
If I hadn’t traveled, I would be in the same environment. Traveling gave me the opportunity to find like-minded people and start two businesses in the European market, and then later in the US market.
It all starts with a choice.
Quote for the day: “Sometimes working in construction can teach you what no uni/college can.”
Working in construction for two years taught me discipline and some patterns to trick my mind.
The patterns and discipline from the shovel and cement allowed me to learn German from 0 to C1 level in eight months, which usually takes 2.5 years, and also get a software engineering job in seven weeks, which usually takes two years.
I mastered so many categories of life as fast as lightning because of this ability I built.
Like: relationships, business, sales, writing, course creation, psychology, and coaching. And was able to build my life around what I love.
Einstein, for instance, worked at a patent office, a job that provided him with enough income while allowing him the mental space to develop his theories.
Additionally, Einstein was an avid violinist, and he often cited playing the violin as a crucial aid in his thinking process.
This hands-on engagement with music helped him relax and think more clearly, illustrating the broader theme that working with one’s hands can facilitate deep intellectual and creative breakthroughs.
The lesson of the story again: “Sometimes working in construction can teach you what no uni/college can.”
What did you learn from this story? What exactly can you relate to?
Answer in the comments.
Be humble, go do something with your hands.
Create, write, build, and follow the sparks of your interest.
All love and power,
Jad Taha
🧠 You & Einstein may have This in Common!?
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