Have you Started Your Story Bank?
Lately, My youngest daughter has become quite the lover of stories.
Every night, it’s the same routine...
1 or 2 stories, brush teeth, and off to bed.
Now, she enjoys story time so much that we constantly find her going to her bookshelf, grabbing a book, and plopping down in our laps for a read.
The other day, I even caught her flipping through a book all by herself!
It amazes me how, even at such a young age, she’s so FASCINATED by stories. And as I think about it, stories follow us throughout life.
The POWERFUL ones... they stay with us… shape us… and can either lift us up or break us down.
This got me thinking about how storytelling has shaped my own life…
Years ago, I learned the true power of storytelling when I applied for a scholarship to study abroad in Italy.
All they asked for was a story about how attending ACC had impacted my life. Easy, right?
Except... I’ve ALWAYS been terrible at writing!
I mean, English was my WORST subject, and every paper I turned in came back with a Big Red “F”.
I was used to getting Cs and Ds on my papers, and now, here I was, needing to tell a story.
Not knowing where to start, I just told MY story.
I wrote about my life, how I got into the fire service, and my journey toward becoming the best version of myself.
The story was long, 6 or 7 pages, but I felt GOOD about it.
Weeks later, I got an email that changed everything: “Congratulations! You’ve been selected to receive the scholarship award!”
Out of hundreds of students, my story had stood out, and I learned a valuable lesson...
It didn’t matter that my grammar wasn’t perfect or that I had spelling mistakes—it was the story that made an impact.
Stories matter.
Here is How You Can Apply This:
We all have stories. Whether you're writing an email, a sales page, or even sharing with your audience—your stories matter.
Here's how to apply the power of storytelling in YOUR life:
Speak from the heart: People connect with authenticity. When you tell your story, it doesn’t have to be perfect—just real.
Don’t focus on perfection: Your message doesn’t have to be flawless. It’s the story and the connection it builds that counts.
Use stories to inspire action: Stories move people. Whether you’re in business or sharing with friends, your story has the power to inspire, motivate, and even change lives.
How I’m Putting This Into Practice:
Now, as my daughter enjoys her bedtime stories, I’m reminded of how powerful storytelling can be.
I want to become a better storyteller—for her, for myself, and for those I’m trying to reach.
I’m working on sharing MY stories, both the struggles and the victories, so one day she can read them with the same fascination she has now. 💖
What’s YOUR story?
How has storytelling impacted your life, business, or relationships?
Drop a comment below and share your thoughts—I’d love to hear them! 👇
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Jon Pakula
Have you Started Your Story Bank?
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