The Immovable Mover: Mastering the 3 Levels of Selling
I’m SUPER EXCITED for the upcoming Selling Online Event and diving back into all of my notes—it’s SO GOOD that I wanted to kick off a new series, sharing some of my key takeaways from each session.
Let’s dive into some of my biggest insights from Session 1: The Immovable Mover.
What I Learned: The 3 Levels of Selling
  1. Face-to-Face Selling: This is where many start, but it’s limited. You can only sell as much as your time allows, and time is a finite resource.
2. One-to-Many Selling: This is where things get interesting! Selling to multiple people at once through webinars, presentations, and more allows you to scale WITHOUT being held back by time. Imagine multiplying your reach with the same effort!
3. Sales Funnels (Automation): This is the ultimate game-changer. Automating your sales with funnels means you're leveraging your time in the most efficient way possible. It’s like having a sales team working 24/7! When you combine Funnels with One-to-Many Presentations, you’re setting yourself up for MASSIVE IMPACT. 🔥
How You Can Apply This:
Start by Identifying Where You Are: Are you stuck in face-to-face selling? It’s time to step into One-to-Many! Whether through webinars, live events, or even email marketing, start scaling your impact.
Leverage Automation: Don’t just rely on manual efforts—use sales funnels to automate your process. Let the tech do the heavy lifting, so you can focus on delivering value and growing your business.
How I’m Putting This into Practice:
I’m currently applying these principles by building out my own sales funnels and PROMOTING the Selling Online event.
I’ve already built out the Bridge Page showing my offer, and I’m brainstorming ways I can do a one-to-many presentation to promote this to my audience.
This GAME is all about learning something and APPLYING it…
So thats what I'm working on doing!
Have you signed up for the Selling Online event yet?
If not, what are you waiting for? Do you hate Money?! 😎
Go sign up right NOW!
Even...if you've already attended, you KNOW Russell is going to keep making this better and better! 🚀
There’s a whole group of us that have Signed Up to Promote the Event to Help Make this the Biggest One Yet!
This Community is Awesome and I can't wait to see it get bigger and bigger!
If you've already signed up for the Selling Online event post your favorite emoji showing your excitement…
Can’t wait to do this all over again with yall!!!
Jon Pakula
The Immovable Mover: Mastering the 3 Levels of Selling
Selling Online / Prime Mover
Discover the secrets of how to Sell Online and step into your calling as a Prime Mover with Russell Brunson!
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