🔥 The Extra 20%: The Difference Between Success and Greatness 🏆
Today, I kicked off the Prime Mover Coaching Program and started with the Linchpin Framework Training...
Right from the very first session, Russell Brunson shared a story that hit me hard. It was a powerful reminder of what separates those who succeed from those who become CHAMPIONS.
What I Learned: The Power of the Extra 20%
Russell asked a critical question: Why do some people have more success than others when everything else is the same?
The answer is simple but profound. It’s the extra 20%. That’s the difference between everyone else and a Champion!
Champions are willing to do what no one else will...
The extra effort, the extra focus, and the extra commitment are what set them apart.
It’s not just about attending the event, getting the knowledge, or receiving the tools—it’s about what you do after the event…
He made it clear: It’s up to YOU to put in that extra 20%. No one can do it for you!
How You Can Apply This:
Go All In: Whether you’re building funnels, growing your business, or developing a new skill, ask yourself—what’s the extra 20% I can give today? What can I do that others won’t?
Stay Focused: Immersion is key. Fully engage in what you’re learning, apply it, and don’t let distractions take you off course.
Take Ownership: Success isn’t about what someone else gives you; it’s about what YOU do with it. Make the decision to step up and be a Champion in your own life.
How I’m Putting This into Practice:
As I dive into the Prime Mover Coaching Program, I’m committing to finding my extra 20% every day.
Whether it’s spending more time learning, refining my skills, or putting in extra effort to grow my Challenger Syndicate community, I’m determined to go ALL IN!
This isn’t just about absorbing information—it’s about putting in the energy, the focus, and the work needed to create real, lasting change.
What’s YOUR extra 20%?
💥 What can you do today that will set you apart from the rest and push you toward greatness? Let me know in the comments below—I’d love to hear how you're stepping up! 💪👊
🔥 [Firefighter to Funnel Builder] The Hero's Journey Framework
#PrimeMover #ValuePost #PakulaPost #Champions
Jon Pakula
🔥 The Extra 20%: The Difference Between Success and Greatness 🏆
Selling Online / Prime Mover
Discover the secrets of how to Sell Online and step into your calling as a Prime Mover with Russell Brunson!
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