Searching for Your Identity
In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear talks about finding your true identity as part of developing successful habits. Here’s a thought.
Before you start to think about what you want to accomplish, you need to spend some time thinking about who you are and who you want to be.
Do you want to be a successful business owner? Do you want to be a great husband or wife? Do you want to give more to others, whether that is your time or your money to advance a higher cause?
Well then think about what people would say about you when you’re gone. What did you accomplish? What did people say about you? Did you start learning a new skill at age 50? Did you become a triathlete later on in life? Did you transform your city in someway? Did you leave this world a better place?
Here’s what I recommend. Sit with these questions for a few days, and if you can, read these before you go to bed at night. The subconscious mind works wonders!
Lazar Lazarovski
Searching for Your Identity
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