3d ago (edited) in SellingOnline.com
🔥Offer Secrets – How to Create Offers That Change Lives 🚀
The Selling Online event is just around the corner, and I’m getting PUMPED! Today, I want to share some of the most impactful takeaways from Session 2: Offer Secrets with Russell Brunson. These insights can RADICALLY transform how you approach creating offers and will get you even more EXCITED for the event! 🚀
What I Learned:
1. Become Obsessed—Then Act
Russell made it clear that the more obsessed you are with your offer, the greater its impact will be. Obsession drives ACTION, and action leads to RESULTS.
2. Offer Paradigm Shifts
  • An Offer Changes Lives: It’s not just about selling a product; it's about DELIVERING VALUE that changes lives. The way you structure and present your offer can make a HUGE difference.
  • Make More Offers to Win: The more offers you make, the more chances you create to transform lives and achieve success. 💥 It’s all about FREQUENCY and CONSISTENCY.
  • Stop Paying with Money—Pay with Offers: Start thinking beyond just cash. Focus on offering VALUE instead. Sometimes an offer is MORE powerful than money.
3. Creating a Level 10 Offer
Here’s how to craft an offer that delivers MASSIVE value:
  • Find Your Level 10 Opportunity: Look for a significant opportunity that aligns with your skills and passion.
  • Sell a Result (Not Just a Product): People buy RESULTS, not features! Focus on the outcome your offer delivers.
  • Turn a Product Into an Offer: Elevate your product by adding EXTRA value that addresses customer needs and solves their problems.
  • Highlight the Cost of Inaction: Make it clear to your audience how costly it will be if they DON’T take action and accept your offer.
How You Can Apply This:
1. Create More Offers
Think about how you can put more offers out there, consistently. Whether it’s launching new products or bundling services, the more offers you create, the more chances you’ll have to WIN. 🎯
2. Focus on RESULTS
Don’t just sell products—sell the transformation. When creating your next offer, make sure you focus on the result your customer will achieve, not just the features of the product.
3. Reverse Engineer Your Financial Goals
Break down your revenue goals into small, actionable steps:
  • 1,000 x $1,000 = 2 Comma Club
  • 10,000 x $100 = 2 Comma Club
  • $25,000 x 40 = 2 Comma Club
Start thinking about how you can create offers that hit these goals, one step at a time.
How I’m Putting This into Practice:
I’m using these exact principles as I continue to craft my own offers. Right now, I’m working on building the Challenger Syndicate community, where I plan to offer massive value and help others reach milestones like the 2 Comma Club. 🙌
I’m laser-focused on crafting offers that deliver REAL RESULTS, not just products. Whether I’m promoting the Selling Online event or creating courses inside of my community, my goal is to create Level 10 Offers that truly make a difference.
Your Turn:
Now it’s time to think about your offers!
Are you creating offers that deliver REAL VALUE and TRANSFORM your customers’ lives?
What’s ONE offer you’re currently working on? Or, where do you see an opportunity to level up your offer strategy?
Let’s keep the momentum going as we prepare for the Selling Online event! 💥
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More Post to get you PUMPED for Selling Online ⬇️
Jon Pakula
🔥Offer Secrets – How to Create Offers That Change Lives 🚀
Selling Online / Prime Mover
Discover the secrets of how to Sell Online and step into your calling as a Prime Mover with Russell Brunson!
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