Money Doesn't Care
Money doesn't care if you're a porn star or a monk.
Money doesn't care if you're a murderer or a doctor.
Money doesn't care.
It doesn't have a conscience.
What money does care about is are the actions being taken that provide enough value to individuals that an exchange can be held between them.
That's it.
Money doesn't care what happened in your childhood nor what you ate this morning.
It only cares about whether or not someone deserves it based on what I mentioned above.
Good people have money, so do bad people.
To maximise the amount of money you make, don't focus on being good or bad, that's for your own personal wellbeing.
I am not saying go out and get money by any means possible.
But understand that you having the belief that "I'm nicer than John, I'm sure one day I'll make more than him because I DESERVE IT"
Nobody deserves money, people earn money with their actions.
Just do the actions that make money, you could even run over a pigeon, and you'll still make money. (don't run over pigeons)
Bust this belief.
Fedi Lecamus
Money Doesn't Care
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