I figured out a way to bookmark🎉
I am new to skool, and I am finding a lot of golden nuggets!
The downside is (specially for this community) OMG you can not bookmark just yet. I imagine that is a new feature soon to be developed. But for now?
I can see there are a few options:
  1. You can copy the link of the post and keep it in a doc
  2. You can click on the "bell" on top and "watch" the post... then go to the filters and filter for "watch". However, you will get a ton of notifications from it (specially here)
So, I was thinking, since there is such a great Search Engine here, I could bookmark by just having a "secret code". That is, I can comment for example:
And then, if latter I want to look at my bookmarks, I can just search for my "bookmark-rous" word.
It will automatically pull the Main Post and my comment.
I figure it would be interesting if somre people placed the word "bookmark- xxxx" for example "bookmark-drm" or "bookmark-444" ... then we could have a "bookmark" search and see everyone's bookmarks!
If you would like to try it, comment the word you will use, so we do not use the same.. because if we all use just "bookmark" alone... it will not be separate hehe
Have a nice weekend!
Rosa Medina
I figured out a way to bookmark🎉
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