Help me to start a business online
I have nothing to offer
Up this time I do nothing, I always paid nothing 😞
Can someone help me, so that I can start online business right now?
My short story
Am 22s, a college student studying vetaline medicine
I will studies books my great ambition is to own a business
Now I think to start coaching programes helping people with problem of memory
I used to have a problem of forgeting names of people, faces, date, what I read and numbers but now am fit with good memory
I was not able even to remember five digits
I learn difference technique on memory mastery
Now I can remember more 500+ digits in chronological order in 5 minutes
I have ability to remember speech
And remember anything I what for a long time
I need help in this, what people can I save specific as my niche??
Dickson Ponda
Help me to start a business online
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