[FHL Notes] Day 3 Session 2: Russell Brunson - One-to-Many Selling (Part 1)
What Is the Big Result?
Always begin by identifying the big result your audience desires.
Master One-to-Many Selling
Goal of Every Funnel: Deliver your sales presentation to as many people as possible.
3 Levels of Selling:
  • One-on-One Selling: Offer to an individual.
  • One-to-Many Selling: Offer to an audience.
  • Sales Funnels: Offer + audience + automation.
Get Rich by Understanding Leverage and Speed:
You can hire 60 salespeople or build 1 webinar funnel to sell at scale.
Paradigm Shift #1: The Only Thing Keeping You from Your Goals Is…Your BRAIN!
Metaphor for the Mind:
  • Monkeys (Conscious Mind): Emotional/Logical decision-makers, often indecisive.
  • Elephant (Subconscious Mind): Speaks in stories and directs your decisions based on feelings.
  • Lizard (Instinctive Mind): Driven by fear and wants to protect you at all costs.
Key Insight:
You must calm the Lizard (fear), guide the Elephant (subconscious), and distract the Monkeys (conscious) to lead people toward a buying decision.
The Conscious Mind gets information through the 5 senses (sight, sound, taste, smell, touch), but it’s the Subconscious Mind that controls feelings and decisions.
Change Happens Through Feelings:
It's not your thinking that causes change, but the feelings you associate with your actions.
Subconscious Selling:
Distract the Monkeys to speak to the Elephant (subconscious), overcoming fear.
Storytelling is the best way to sell because stories change feelings.
Story Selling and Subconscious Selling:
Technobabble Doesn’t Sell: Your job is to tell a story that leads your audience to say, “I need this!”
Epiphany Bridge: Share your own epiphany to lead your audience toward their own “aha moment.”
Paradigm Shift #2: You Can’t Sell Anyone if Their Subconscious Disagrees
The goal of storytelling is state control—you must alter their feelings through your story.
False Belief Patterns: People’s chain of false beliefs holds them back. Your story must trump their story to replace those false beliefs with new, empowering beliefs.
How to Break False Beliefs:
Build an inventory of stories to break common false beliefs.
False Belief: I can't afford that
Story: Rich Dad Poor Dad - How can I afford that
False Belief: How Can I afford that:
Story: Visa/MasterCard
False Belief: If this works so good why can't I pay after
Story: Mark Schultz
Anchor Back to Stories That Break False Beliefs:
Offers change lives, but people only move when their belief patterns are rebuilt.
Key Takeaways:
Do What Russell Says
Be coachable and embrace discomfort—growth only comes from uncomfortable situations.
Always Rebuild Belief Patterns: This is the core method to get people to take action.
This session focused on mastering the art of One-to-Many selling, storytelling as a tool for breaking false beliefs, and using funnels as a way to scale your sales efforts through automation. By shifting belief patterns, you can guide people toward the result they desire.
[FHL Notes] Day 3 Session 3: Bill Von Fumetti - The Power of FOCUS
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Jon Pakula
[FHL Notes] Day 3 Session 2: Russell Brunson - One-to-Many Selling (Part 1)
Selling Online / Prime Mover
Discover the secrets of how to Sell Online and step into your calling as a Prime Mover with Russell Brunson!
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