[Emotional Release Techniques] Visualizing
Visualizing has been a very effective strategy for me to use. I learned this during my reiki therapy sessions.
If my heart chakra was struggling, she would have me envision wrapping my heart in a protective layer of green light.
Other times she would have me picture bright white, healing light come up through my left foot, up my leg, cross my body, and up into my head and back down, across and out my right foot, creating a figure 8 as it goes in one foot and out the other. As it goes through my body I picture it healing everything, bringing all parts of my body the love, light, and healing it needs, pushing any darkness and illness out.
She has had me picture myself laying on my back on the beach, picturing the waves come up and lap against me, as it comes it fills me with healing energy, as it retracts back to the ocean it takes away all the negative and ill emotions away from me.
I have done visualizations of myself being like a tree. My feet (roots) planted deep, drawing up energy, nutrients, life sustaining water, up from the earth. I also picture my roots spreading out reaching towards other tree roots, where I can connect with others, share, learn, grow, and be strengthened by the people I have around me. Then I draw that energy up from the ground and picture it running up into the highest reaches of my branches, and I picture myself growing tall reaching up towards the warm sun and the heavens. I picture the new perspective this height gives me. I am closer to God up here, he shines his wisdom down on me, strengthening me.
I have visualized myself being in a safe place, where I can feel completely loved, accepted, and protected. If I have never experienced this place in my real life, I can make up my own place, visualize all the details of what that place would look like and who would be there with me. This helps me feel worthy, loved, protected, accepted and celebrated for who I am. It is a calming and a peaceful place. It is a place I can go when I feel like life is chaotic. It is a place I can find rest from my problems and troubles.
Whatever you choose to visualize, picture light 💡 and energy moving through you, cleansing and healing you. You can send love, healing and protection to certain parts of your body if you have a physical ailment that needs healing. Picture that part of your body mending, healing, and becoming whole again, working perfectly the way God created it to work.
Visualization is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal.
“There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.” - Wallace D Wattles, “The Science of Getting Rich” pg 22
You can heal yourself from traumas, emotions that have built up and gotten stuck in your body, from physical ailments. Form the image in your mind with all clarity of that which you want to heal, picture it healing and becoming whole. See it, do what you need to do to make it true, act as if it is healed, and do this daily.
If you missed the last one on Talk It Out 🗣️ here is the link: https://www.skool.com/prime-mover/emotional-release-techniques-talk-it-out?p=e35dd159
Lea Ann Perkins
[Emotional Release Techniques] Visualizing
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