[Emotional Release Techniques] Tapping
Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), is a form of psychological acupressure that combines elements of cognitive therapy and exposure therapy with acupressure. The practice involves tapping specific points on the body, often referred to as meridian points, while focusing on emotional issues or distress. The idea behind tapping is that it can help restore balance to the body's energy system and reduce emotional and physical pain.
Here’s a breakdown of the science behind tapping and how it works:
1. Energy Meridians and Acupressure
  • Tapping is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), particularly the concept of meridians, which are channels through which energy, or "qi" (chi), flows.
  • Meridians are also targeted in acupuncture and acupressure. By tapping on these meridian points, the theory is that you're stimulating energy flow and releasing blockages in the body’s energy system, which can be associated with emotional distress or physical pain.
2. Psychological Exposure
  • EFT involves cognitive exposure to distressing thoughts, memories, or emotions. While tapping, individuals are encouraged to focus on a specific problem, whether it's a fear, anxiety, or traumatic memory.
  • This focus on negative emotions, paired with the tapping, is believed to help desensitize the brain to these emotions, reducing their intensity.
  • Tapping may serve as a way to "reprocess" these emotions in a safe and controlled environment, much like in exposure therapy, where repeated exposure to a stimulus in a safe context gradually reduces fear or anxiety responses.
3. Cognitive Reframing and Affirmations
  • During EFT, individuals typically use positive affirmations while tapping (e.g., "Even though I feel anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself"). This practice integrates elements of cognitive reframing, where negative beliefs and emotional states are re-evaluated in a more positive or neutral light.
  • The combination of focusing on a distressing thought and affirming self-acceptance can help shift the brain’s response to these emotions, moving from a state of fight-or-flight to one of calm and acceptance.
How Tapping Works (Step-by-Step)
  • Identify the issue: Focus on the specific issue you want to address (e.g., fear, stress, anger).
  • Rate the intensity: On a scale of 0 to 10, rate how intense the issue feels.
  • Set up the affirmation: Create a setup statement like “Even though I feel anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
  • Tap the points: Use your fingertips to tap on a series of meridian points (e.g., top of the head, eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, collarbone).
  • Reassess the intensity: After completing a round of tapping, reassess the emotional intensity. Repeat if necessary.
You can get the app Tapping Solutions, and it will guide you through daily tapping techniques. I'm not an affiliate, but I love the app, so thought I would share that with you!
If you missed the last, Meditation and Mindfulness, you can access that here: https://www.skool.com/prime-mover/emotional-release-techniques-meditation-and-mindfulness?p=050fe248
Lea Ann Perkins
[Emotional Release Techniques] Tapping
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