[Emotional Release Techniques] Gratitude 🙏
Did you know that showing gratitude can actually change your brain 🧠?
Here are some pretty amazing facts about gratitude:
  • Releasing neurotransmitters - dopamine and serotonin the "feel good" chemicals are released when we express gratitude. And if you have a habit of being grateful, you can improve your longterm mood over time.
  • Activating the prefrontal cortex - this part of the brain controls decision making and emotional regulation! When you express gratitude it helps you develop Emotional Intelligence over time, and make better decisions.
  • Regulating cortisol - the stress hormone! Gratitude has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety by regulating your cortisol levels
  • Improving sleep - gratitude helps you sleep better because it reduces how much you worry and ruminate.
  • Modifying neural pathways - regular gratitude can actually CHANGE your NEURAL PATHWAYS!! This will give you a pattern of emotional stability!
  • Activating the limbic system - this system is responsible for your emotional experiences, and when you practice gratitude, you activate the hippocampus and amygdala which are two main parts of your limbic system
As you can see, Gratitude packs a powerful punch 💥
Make a habit of expressing gratitude through prayer, journaling, or just saying it out loud!
Pro Tip: When you are with family, express to them what you love about them and why you are grateful for them, not only will this give you all the benefits from above, but it will help strengthen your relationships too!
I am so grateful for this beautiful world God created for us all to live on!
I am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and the redemption He offers me, and the love and guidance He gives me daily.
I am grateful for my husband who loves and supports me in all of my crazy ideas 🤪 (like homeschooling our 8 kids and starting my coaching business)!
I am so grateful that I get to be a mother to all the beautiful spirits God entrusted to me.
I am grateful for the country I live in!
I am thankful that I can run my own business
And I am so grateful for all of you, your love, support, interactions, and all that you have taught me in the few short weeks I have known you!
Thank you for reading my posts and leaving such nice compliments and engaging with me with questions and comments.
God Bless you all!
Keep your eyes open for the next in this series, Meditation and Mindfulness: https://www.skool.com/prime-mover/emotional-release-techniques-meditation-and-mindfulness?p=050fe248
And if you missed the last one on Visualizing, here is the link: https://www.skool.com/prime-mover/emotional-release-techniques-visualizing?p=32ad0e73
Lea Ann Perkins
[Emotional Release Techniques] Gratitude 🙏
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