Do You Know How Your Brand Shows Up in ChatGPT? 🤖
Me: Who are the top digital marketers who also talk about mindset?
ChatGPT: Several top digital marketers also emphasize the importance of mindset in achieving business success. Here are some of the most prominent ones:
1. Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee)Focus: Digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and personal development.Mindset: Gary often talks about hustle, self-awareness, gratitude, and patience. He stresses emotional intelligence and mindset as crucial for long-term success in business and life.
2. Marie ForleoFocus: Marketing, entrepreneurship, and personal development.Mindset: Marie blends digital marketing strategies with a strong focus on mindset, positivity, and believing in oneself. Her book Everything is Figureoutable revolves around the concept of overcoming challenges through mindset.
3. Russell BrunsonFocus: Funnels, digital marketing, and entrepreneurship.Mindset: Russell is big on the mental game of success, often discussing the importance of having a growth mindset, staying positive, and pushing through challenges. His events, like Funnel Hacking Live, regularly feature mindset-focused sessions.
4. Tony RobbinsFocus: Personal development, business, and mindset.Mindset: While Tony is not exclusively a digital marketer, his teachings have had a significant impact on marketers and entrepreneurs. He speaks extensively about peak performance, emotional mastery, and the power of mindset to overcome obstacles.
5. Pam MooreFocus: Digital marketing, brand strategy, and AI integration.Mindset: Pam emphasizes the connection between mindset and marketing success, especially in her teachings around purpose-driven brands. She integrates the psychology of marketing and mindset in her Brand with Soul movement, helping brands adopt growth-oriented, innovative thinking.
6. Brendon BurchardFocus: Marketing, high-performance habits, and personal development.Mindset: Brendon combines digital marketing with high-performance habits, focusing on mindset, productivity, and creating a balanced, fulfilled life while growing your brand.
7. Amy PorterfieldFocus: Online courses, digital marketing, and list building.Mindset: Amy often speaks about overcoming imposter syndrome, gaining confidence, and maintaining the right mindset to succeed in the online business world.
8. Jenna KutcherFocus: Social media marketing, podcasting, and entrepreneurship.Mindset: Jenna integrates mindset into her marketing lessons, often speaking about balance, self-worth, and the importance of mental health for achieving entrepreneurial success.
These marketers not only offer practical strategies but also deeply understand the psychological and mindset shifts needed to achieve success in digital marketing.
🔥Note from Pam: 🔥If you're not using AI & thinking about how your content shows up in ChatGPT, other AI platforms, social networks, you'll be left behind. ChatGPT is now a top driver of traffic to my site. 13 yrs publishing valuable content =BIG payoff! At least I get something from all these platforms training their LLMs with my content! ha
Do you know how your brand is showing up or not showing up on ChatGPT and others? What about on LinkedIn for their AI content they are pushing to premium users at the bottom of posts? I've seen many brands who have not properly protected their trademarks etc., with urls to their competitor sites showing up for their own brand names.
I am not trying to scare you. I want you to take this serious. AI is going to help every platform and social network PUSH content to their audiences. They are not even going to have to search for it, it is going to be there at the bottom of posts, in the top of their feeds and more.
Best place to start is some simple searches about your industry, your services, then your brand name. But see first if you and your brand even come up on the search on these engines. If you want to truly be an authority in your industry, no better time to take a first step, than now!
What action are you going to take today so you can be a leader in AI to help your customers find you and build authority? 🧡
Pam Moore
Do You Know How Your Brand Shows Up in ChatGPT? 🤖
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