500+ Days on Skool.com (My Journey)
I first joined Skool back in late March 2023.
Since then, a bunch of stuff has happened:
  • Built numerous valuable relationships & Partnerships.
  • Grew my Consulting business to 6 Figures.
  • Connected with industry giants like Alex Hormozi, Sam Ovens, Hamza Ahmed, and Max Perzon.
  • Watched as all of my mentors, one after another, made the move to Skool—and now, with Russell Brunson here too, it’s just SO NICE!!!
  • Took part in many group calls, offering and receiving insights
  • Spent over 500 days deeply engaged in this thriving community
  • And most importantly, enjoyed every moment of the journey!
I also read the Experts & Dotcom Secrets from
How about you?
How long have you been on Skool, and what’s your experience been like so far?
I’d love to hear your stories and celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small.
Share them below, and I’ll make sure to read and respond to each one.
Jad Taha
500+ Days on Skool.com (My Journey)
Selling Online / Prime Mover
Discover the secrets of how to Sell Online and step into your calling as a Prime Mover with Russell Brunson!
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