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All my free guides in one place!
I've got all my free ebooks and video guides all in one place! They're found here. Check them out if they're new to you, they all offer something unique.
New comment Jan 24
New functional tests module!
Hi all, I'm excited to share that I've created a new functional tests module in the Movement mastery course. Find it here. Would love for you to take the tests and track them in the tracking sheet, let me know how it goes for you!
Shin Splints
Hello fellow runners I'm having issues with shin splits. Does anyone know any tricks of the trade to help with them?
New comment Mar 18
AI Coach
Hey folks, if you listened to the latest episode of my podcast you would have heard about the AI coach! Would love your feedback on it! You can access it here - the password is 'coach-sam'. Give it a whirl and let me know your thoughts 🙌
New comment Mar 6
New podcast
Hey folks! Just wanted to let you know that I've done a couple of episodes of a private podcast now and it's pretty fun! Would love you to listen in to my updates and get involved! If you haven't seen the invite on your email you can get access via this link. Some exciting things happening this weekend, check it out! Sam
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