Points Travel Buddy
Public group
88 members
Tired Of Overpaying For Flights And Hotels?
Want To Earn Rewards On Money You Already Spend?
Learn How To Travel The World For Nearly Free With Credit Card Points and Miles!
Elevate The Way You Travel!
Stay In 5 Star Hotels!
Fly In Lie Flat Seats!
Become Part Of An Exclusive Community!
What You Can Learn In This Free Course
How to get the most rewards back on everyday purchases
How to stop wasting your hard earned points and miles
How to get maximum value out of your points and miles
Best travel credit cards to open
Making a strategy that works for your lifestyle
How to get maximum value out of your credit cards
How to locate and book points and miles deals
How to transfer your points out of your bank program for more value
How to book flights with points
How to book hotels with points
How to elevate your travel experience
How to save money
Points Travel Buddy
A course and community for those that want to learn about the best ways to earn and redeem credit card points and miles for nearly free travel
Leaderboard (30-day)
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