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If you're new here, make a post introducing yourself (don't be shy!). You can share one photo from a project you're working on, or a photographer that inspires you and why. Or make a comment on someone else’s post. I started this group in order to share my knowledge about photo and creativity. It's free for now as I work some of the kinks out. But it will move towards a paid community once it's pretty. My mission is to make this the place to go to level up your photo skills, no matter what level you're at. Because no matter how good you are, we all have gaps in our knowledge. By helping each other, we are also helping ourselves. For example: My background is in fine art - I can teach you how to price your prints, if you can teach me price my head shots. Together we become better photographers! Whatever that means. My first priority will be to add classes to get beginners up to speed. Basic concepts like how to shoot manual, develop a style, why there are two names for everything in photo. But after that, it's open to the community! If I don't have the answer, we've got a much better chance of finding it if we work together. How about you? What are you here for? What would you like to learn?
New comment 19d ago
How do you measure success?
What does success look like for you? In Walter Benjamin’s 1935 essay “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” he argued the venue basically declares what’s art and what’s not. As a younger man, I hated this interpretation. “What do you mean the museums and galleries get to decide what’s art?!???” I favored a more democratic approach. It’s art, if it speaks to me, if I can relate to it and it makes me feel something. Now as an older artist, I spend more time than I’d like to admit trying to get my work in galleries and museums. I see now, in a practical sense, old Benjamin had a point. How do you measure success? Is it by where your work is shown? How many people see it? How often it’s written about/where it’s published? Or maybe it’s how much money you make? For me, these days I base it on if I finish the work, and how close it is to my intended idea/vision. Making the damn thing is already hard enough. Everything else is extra.
New comment 6d ago
First classes dropping this week
I’m working to upload the first batch of classes this week. They’ve actually been scripted already I’m just struggling to record them. I’m trying to make this as useful as possible, so I’m going to post the classes folks need the most first. Not necessarily the order I think folks should go through them. But the first classes I’m planning include: Lighting 101 Photoshop - masking/processing Photo 101 - Developing your vision If there’s anything specific you guys want to learn from me you can dm me for requests. Or just drop them in this thread. P.s I should also add, I’m planning to revise these classes as I go. Like iPhones, the first iteration is probably going to be ass. They will get better, I promise!
Never hand someone an unsecured stand
I would add to this, always store your stands secured. Everyone else will love you for it. This was one of the first things I learned in the field. Because it’s also the most annoying to deal with 😂
Never hand someone an unsecured stand
Favorite film stock?
I’m a Fuji Superia guy. Shot Fuji Superia 200 for years but can’t find it anymore (discontinued?). What about you guys?
New comment 8d ago
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Photo Nerds
Learn to take jaw dropping photos. Once you start seeing as a photographer, reality starts to look much more beautiful!
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