Peak Physiquez University
Private group
13 members
$47 /month
Want to transform your body? Learn the proven methods to reach your fitness goals, whether you're just starting or already experienced... here's what you get:
  1. Peak Mindset Training - Pillar #1
  • Goal Setting
  • Success Mentality
  • Overcoming Mental Barriers
  • The Secret To Constant Motivation
2. Peak Nutrition Training - Pillar #2
  • PPZ Food List
  • Understanding Macros
  • Understanding Calories
  • Supplement Recommendations
  • Macro / Calorie Calculation Tools
  • Macro Tracking Formulas (protein, carbs, fat)
  • Learning Calorie Deficit / Maintenance / Surplus
3. Peak Weight / Cardio Training - Pillar #3
  • Fat Loss Cardio Strategy
  • Maximizing Muscle Growth Secrets
  • Muscle Building Techniques / Strategies
  • Entire List of Specific "How To" Exercise VIDEOS
4. Community / A Safe Place To:
  • Ask questions
  • Build camaraderie
  • Share knowledge / testimonies
  • Surround yourself with other like minded individuals.
Peak Physiquez University
Fitness community offering expert guidance, personalized support, & proven strategies to accomplish any fitness/physique goal.
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