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Meal Prep
How long can you keep your meals prep in the fridge before it goes off? How to properly store you meal prep? Check out this app:
New comment 8d ago
Pizza wraps
Hey guys! Here's my simple pizza wraps receipe for you all. You can use low carb wraps (or any wrap that fits your macros) to use as a pizza base! Or if you're feeling creative enough I've heard of cauliflower base?! Anyways onto the receipe.. 1. Put a wrap onto a baking or pizza tray and brush a very light amount of olive oil onto your wrap 2. Sprinkle some dried oregano around 3. Lightly spread a small layer of herb passata or tomato paste 4. Place your toppings on (I put kanga mince (because I'm straya mate), chicken, black sliced olives, whatever veg and yes.. I love pineapple on pizza 🤣) 5. Light tasty cheese goes on top last or low fat cheese, once again whatever fits your macros Place into the oven at 180 degrees (fan forced) for about 20mins or until cheese is lightly golden brown. After it's cooked, sauce it up with some low cal sauces! I love reduced sugar BBQ sauce on mine. You're welcome 👌 *chef's kiss*
New comment 10d ago
Pizza wraps
Potatoes or Oats as a source for carbs
What do you guys think is a better alternative for carbs? Potatoes or Oats? I personally found potatoes to be more nutrient dense and lighter than oats!
New comment 10d ago
🍯 🍫 Protein Cake
1 egg 50g yogurt 35g flour 30g honey 30g protein 1 tsp baking powder 20ml almond milk 10g cacao 10 g sweetener
New comment 12d ago
Weirdly delicious food combinations
Starting a new thread 2 weird food combos that come to mind off the top of my head; 1. Chicken and rice with banana and peanut butter 2. Vegemite, avocado and egg on toast
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