Simplest Way To Eliminate Pain From Your Job
One of the biggest causes of pain for people is the repetitive nature of their work.
I am going to make you a pretty solid promise here.
If you start taking as little as 5 minutes each day after work to move your body in the opposite ways that you spend at work you will significantly reduce the aches and pains.
It's a simple principle that can be applied for any job, you just have to take a minute to think about what positions you are in all day and what muscles are constantly getting worked.
This will help you target the right area.
2 Examples
Desk worker who is sitting all day has their hips bent to 90 degrees all day.
Corrective work - 5 minutes in the evening of opening their hips up.
Someone who works hard all day doing manual labor overworking their lower back muscles.
Corrective work - relax and stretch out the low back that has gotten tight and sore from repetitive lifts.
I know sometimes this is hard to conceptualize so drop into the comments specific jobs or areas of pain for me and I will address them all in their own posts and tag you!
Logan Grundy
Simplest Way To Eliminate Pain From Your Job
EQ² Pain Program
A group dedicated to eliminating pain using my science-based EQ² Pain Program so that you can return to living without the limitations of pain.
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