Day Three Class Recap
How long and how intensely should you be stretching?
Today I will be answering all of the questions and mysteries around stretching.
Different types of stretching can benefit us at different times but understanding the different kinds of stretching will help maximize the results and help your nervous system unlock the range of motion you secretly have hidden inside you.
More often than not you are restricted more by your nervous system than your physical tissue length. Which is why it is such an important piece to understand when stretching.
One of the main metrics we can use to check in on our intensity of the stretch is to ask ourselves "Can I breathe in this position?"
If you can't maintain your breathing you are not in control of that position and nothing will release when your body is tensed up fighting to retain it.
Check out the video for a full explanation of stretching. Remember to be an explorer and use stretches to get a general idea of your position, then explore slightly different angles and positions to find what works best for you.
Let me know below what your favorite stretch is so far!
Logan Grundy
Day Three Class Recap
EQ² Pain Program
A group dedicated to eliminating pain using my science-based EQ² Pain Program so that you can return to living without the limitations of pain.
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