Abs and Booties, Everyone's Dream Right?
I am on the tail end of taking a Paul Chek course on training with a Swiss Ball.
So after my workout today I grabbed a ball and played around with some movements.
Here are two things I noticed.
Using a Swiss ball to do a "classic" abdominal exercise, but significantly more impactful!
When I say "classic" abdominal exercises I am thinking about your situps or crunches which directly train your rectus abdominus (6-pack muscles). But the issue with those exercises is that we typically do them from the floor which limits the range of motion. From a Swiss ball, you can fully let that abdominal area open up, then completely close it down, all the while dealing with increased stability demands. Try it once and when you feel your lower abs which seem to be the hardest to hit lighting up you'll be hooked on the exercise.
Next up, Swiss ball hip extension. Instead of doing glute bridges from the floor try them on a Swiss ball, personally, I found that I could get a little better squeeze and more fatigue quicker through my glutes. I didn't notice as big of a difference as I did with the core work but still notable. I also think this would be an easier one to get into for someone who really struggles to get down to the ground and back up.
What do you think of Swiss ball training? Or have you not done much yourself but are interested in learning more? Let me know!
Logan Grundy
Abs and Booties, Everyone's Dream Right?
EQ² Pain Program
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