Advice for first project!
I'm in the process of hopefully locking in my first client (!!). This group has been a fantastic resource in helping me get started, so MAJOR thank you! The potential client has asked me to provide mood boards, floor plans/layouts, and source all furniture for 4 rooms in her new vacation home (living room, 3 small bedrooms starting from scratch). She wants to have the basics installed by Christmas (doesn't have to be everything by then just at least beds, couch and a table for them to be comfortable for a few days while they are visiting). She does not seem too particular and I do not anticipate many revisions. She gave me access to the house since they aren't local, so thinking I can just get shipments directly to the site vs using warehousing to save on expenses. I think some services like Wayfair Professional do bulk in-home deliveries? Maybe Designer Inc or Sidedoor? Not sure if they allow for in-home deliveries or only delivery to warehouse. Any insight here would be helpful. No 3D renders required, however I might outsource one for the living room space. I am currently charging hourly to start out and thinking this could be a project estimate of 20-25-hours? Thoughts? THANK YOU!