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Freedom is yours
Often we feel a slave to forces outside of our control, but this is never true. Not any monetary system, no person, no thought has any power. The only prison in existence is our own Mind. Once you break free from this, you are free from everything. And yet the beautiful thing, is that the devil left the door unlocked. You can walk out at any moment. It is only our own belief that we are in prison that is the chain that keeps us bound. Assume that you are free, even if you don't feel like it. And in this present moment, see if you can find the one who is a slave. Find the one who has a life full of problems. Find the one who is troubled and struggling. And see if you are able to continue in the illusion.
New comment Jul '24
You are free
“If you think you are free, you are free. If you think you are bound, you are bound. For the saying is true: You are what you think.” ― Ashtavakra Gita As i've continued along my journey, I seem to return to the same one pointing over and over again. All else continues to fall away, but the One remains. And in time, i have no doubt, that the One will fall away too. Just listened to the Ashtavakra Gita for the first time the other day, and wanted to share it with you all. 🙏
New comment Jul '24
Freedom is Yours
The beautiful thing is that we only must recognize that we are already free. We never have to achieve freedom, or peace, Because freedom and peace is already the nature of what we are. Luckily freedom does not come at the cost of decades of practice and struggle, and yet it usually takes us a long time anyway lol I simply wish to say that it is good to seek freedom, but do not struggle so hard. Because this is indication that the Mind is trying to get something, but you cannot have what you already are.
New comment Jul '24
Be Still
You don’t have to understand. Something is moving deeper than usual understanding. This is the presence of Grace itself. No one can understand Grace. You can only say: “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you that you’ve picked me up, and that you burn me!” Camphor burns; it leaves no residue. This burning too will leave no residue. [Silence] The prayer is: Don’t leave anything unburnt. The ultimate state of Supreme liberation is one’s own real nature. It is always attained. Knowing this, be still. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
New comment Jul '24
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Pathway to Peace
For Spiritual Seekers on the path to Enlightenment and Freedom from Suffering.
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