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PatentInsiderAcademy Live Q&A is happening in 7 days
🎆 Happy New Year from Patent Insider – Let’s Build Together!
New Year, New Opportunities – Let’s Innovate! Happy New Year! Here’s to an Innovative 2025! As the clock strikes midnight and we step into 2025, I want to take a moment to say thank you for being part of this incredible community. This past year has been filled with milestones, growth, and a shared commitment to innovation and creativity. Together, we’ve explored how to protect ideas, navigate intellectual property, and unlock the potential of our unique visions. But 2025? This is our year to take things to the next level! Here’s to You: Turning ideas into reality. Safeguarding your innovations. Building legacies that last. At Patent Insider, we’re gearing up for an exciting year packed with new resources, events, and insights designed to empower creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs like you. What’s Coming in 2025? Weekly Patent Insider Secrets Podcast episodes to keep you inspired. Expanded offerings at Patent Insider Academy to help you navigate the world of IP with confidence. Exclusive tools and strategies for creators ready to innovate and thrive. Your First Step of the Year: If protecting and monetizing your ideas is on your 2025 goals list, there’s no better time to start. Get Active in the Patent Insider Academy today and take the first step toward owning your future! Here’s to a Year of Bold Moves Let’s make 2025 a year to remember – one filled with creativity, breakthroughs, and success. Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year! Cheers to your success, Tariq Najee-ullah Founder, Patent Insider
🎆 Happy New Year from Patent Insider – Let’s Build Together!
Advanced IP Strategy #1 - Do it on purpose
So I'm challenging myself to write short posts daily about IP strategy. They are meant to be quick thoughts and IP strategies you can implement to start crafting a profit driven IP strategy for your company today. This is my first post. Having a $1B IP portfolio doesn't happen by accident. In fact, the truth is, nothing happens by accident. You have to be intentional. Whether losing weight or making money, it's done on purpose. What's today's one simple strategy to create a profit driven IP strategy for your business? Do it on purpose! Make that your goal. One thing you could do if you're an executive is to set the goal, then delegate the responsibility. It could look like building an IP-First Team. Could be assigning a manager to this role and giving them a regular reporting schedule. Here's an example: For this scenario, imagine that your employees are your secret IP weapon? How so? The best ideas often come from within your team. But if they don’t understand how to protect or flag innovation, those ideas are slipping away unnoticed. So once you delegate your manager to do this... give him a way to do it. Two things that you can do today are: 1. Audit & Assess: Have him/her conduct an IP audit of the business unit or department. Assess the best way to optimize and monetize the portfolio or opportunities. 2. Plan & Implement: Plan for success. Then implement. On the executive level, the best way to do this is by training. Have the team trained on IP strategy in a way that implements the plan. Training your employees on IP is one of the smartest investments you can make. Don’t just protect ideas—foster innovation from the ground up. Who’s empowering their team to think like innovators? That's my first post of this style. Let me know what you think. 👇 #Leadership #InnovationStrategy #IPGrowth
Poll Question: prototype & design
As a product developer, inventor or innovator, which would help you most? 1️⃣ Access to a design engineer for affordable digital prototypes 2️⃣ A patentability assessment by a former USPTO patent examiner 3️⃣ Both—prototyping and a professional patent assessment 4️⃣ Neither—I’m good for now Vote below! 👇
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General Question
Hello. I was told to post my question here. I am trying to understand where to begin when building a tech startup. For an electronic product, does it make sense to pursue a patent from the very beginning? Hypothetically speaking, let’s say I am building a video doorbell product (like Ring) in a world where such a product does not already exist. It seems like it wouldn’t necessarily make sense to pursue a patent as the first step since the patent wouldn’t stop other companies like Nest, Arlo, Logitech, etc. from making their own version of a video doorbell. Could someone shed some light on this topic please? Any help is greatly appreciated.
New comment Dec '24
Welcome to Patent Insider Academy. Your premier platform to learn how to turn your ideas into profits, products, and patents. If you just started, I encourage you to check out the five day IP Mastery Challenge as well as the MasterClasses. We also have weekly live Q&A sessions on Thursdays at 12. Please submit your questions the previous Thursday so we can prepare the sessions.
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Patent Insider Academy
Join Patent Insider Academy to craft strong IP strategies, protect IP assets, and boost IP profits. Self-paced learning and expert coaching insiders.
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