The Three Elements We Deploy For Every Client For A Successful Meta Ads Campaign.
We've been running ads for coaches, consultants and information businesses for over 8 years now.
And these are the things that we've been implementing in every campaign that make all the difference.
I'm not going to go into "Know your audience" or "Understand your numbers" or "Have a great offer".
I'm assuming you already have all of these things in place and you're ready to kick the ad machine into high gear.
So here we go:
#1 Proper Tracking.
The FIRST thing we do whenever we start working on a new account is check their tracking.
Many entrepreneurs that are struggling to scale have this issue.
You can't just rely on the Facebook/Meta pixel to tell you what's going on in your funnel.
So we like to work with tools like Hyros, Anytrack, etc. They provide excellent tracking.
They'll tell us what's working and what's not working. And what we should scale.
Additionally, they provide better quality data back to the pixel, which is super important if you want to scale.
If you don't have proper tracking, you'll be flying blind. It's like driving a race car at 100 mph with blindfolds on!
#2 Creative Testing Machine.
For every client, we implement our Creative Testing Process.
It is one thing to run ads at $100/day vs $10,000/day.
The main bottleneck won't be your targeting or your funnel or your offer.
The main bottleneck to really scale your ads is how many creatives you are pumping out every week or couple of weeks.
I remember Russell Brunson once said they were making 20/30 new video creatives per week for the launch of Traffic Secrets.
That's a good creative testing machine. We like to run new creatives every week or couple of weeks for our clients, depending on their budgets.
The main reason behind this is that we're always trying to beat our current creatives.
But at the same time, Meta will deprecate 99% of your ads if you're not constantly updating your creatives and launching them to the market.
This allows us to keep our costs down and campaigns stable for a long time.
#3 Branding Campaigns.
99% of agencies, coaches and consultants don't do this. And they're leaving massive amounts of money on the table.
But if you have a personal brand and you want to get people to know, like and trust you BEFORE they even land on your funnel...
You want to have this in place.
We invest 10% of our clients' budget into engagement campaigns with their best content.
Generally we do this with video ads. Later, we can grab everyone that consumed 95%+ of their videos and show them offers.
We also do this with their engagers, visitors, etc. Just like Frank teaches.
This creates a lot of goodwill, better LTV, higher AOVs, better lead times, easier closes, etc.
It's like having an organic machine working for you 24/7, but without relying on organic content or organic reach.
It's super cool. It's easy to setup. And it can run in the background forever.
I hope this helps!
If you have any questions about any of these Elements, HMU!
Hernan Vazquez
The Three Elements We Deploy For Every Client For A Successful Meta Ads Campaign.
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