Morning Routine That Works Pretty Well For Me
I think that the way I start my day makes a really big difference in terms of how my day unfolds.
Here's a morning routine that I try to stick to.
It actually begins the night before. I try to go to bed relatively early - before 10PM is possible.
Before I go to sleep, I like to listen to guided meditations or "sound bath" recordings like this one:
Ideally, I like to be up by 5AM.
I try to spend an hour or so doing these activities:
  1. Listen to positive audiobooks. (Usually 30 minutes while I have coffee - most recent book was The Science Of Getting Rich.)
  2. Practice gratitude. (This is maybe 5 minutes or so. Basically prayer.)
  3. Review goals. (Nothing fancy here. I have a list of "big picture" goals that I review.)
  4. Brain Entrainment. (This is usually a guided meditation from Hemi-Synch or its binaural beats from HoloSynch. 30 mins or so.)
During the brain entrainment, I visualize the goals.
This process usually produces plenty of ideas for content etc. (In addition to keeping me focused and in a good frame of mind.)
I hope this helps as you begin your creation for week 1 :-)
Frank Kern
Morning Routine That Works Pretty Well For Me
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