Intent Based Branding Works! 10,000 People In Our Invisible List With Less Than $1,000 In Ad Spend
Hey guys! As with everything that teaches, IBB works wonders.
A couple of weeks ago, I launched some IBB ads for my advertising agency.
I got a really easy-to-remember domain and got to work.
Initially, I recorded around 12 videos with the domain always visible at the top, and I mentioned the domain 3-4 times in each video.
I launched all of these videos to my ideal audience, and one of them was the clear winner (in terms of how much it costed me to get someone to watch it in full).
So I left this video as my "Top of Funnel" video, getting as many views as possible.
I put the other 11 or so videos in my "Middle of Funnel" campaign.
Over the past 3 weeks, we've spent less than $1,000 and got 10,000 people who watched some part of the video and 2,900 who completed them.
I started running warm conversion and lead generation ads for them and we're already starting to get highly qualified booked appointments for our agency.
We do this for every client that comes our way, because it simply makes sense.
Its inexpensive, you can have this campaign running in the background and it always work, no matter what you sell.
If you're not deploying IBB for your business, you're missing out on tons of goodwill and more clients!
Hernan Vazquez
Intent Based Branding Works! 10,000 People In Our Invisible List With Less Than $1,000 In Ad Spend
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