Funnel question for ya'll
We have a couple of courses that are hosted on Lightspeed VT. The courses are interactive, which I absolutely love, btw. Their platform is impressive, and it has huge bandwidth. But their system is not user friendly for muggles. The landing pages they offer, which have the ability to make them interactive as well, seem like they require expertise we don't have and will likely never acquire. We need funnels/landing pages that don't require coding expertise or wordpress experience to produce? When we talk to the support staff about funnels/landing pages, it's like the concept of us making a funnel is foreign to them. Their platform is aimed at clients who pay their own marketing teams to execute that side of things. So their interface is not plug and play. I'm starting to think They're not accustomed to folks jumping in with them who are just getting started?
Gregory Mote
Funnel question for ya'll
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