Carousels in Facebook Ads - Seen 'em, used 'em???
I've been playing around with Carousels instead of one pic posts...
For those on LinkedIn, here's how they look
I have also worked out how to create them on Facebook, when creating an ad.
In my head, if I'm paying for a FB ad with 1 picture/video in the post but can add up to 10 pictures/videos in the same ad, I'm getting 10x value and 10x opportunity... or as 's knuckles would tell us, ROAS is cool... maybe not quite the 100x you can achieve Frank ;-)
You can still ad in action buttons (but not for page likes unfortunately), so attached is a 9 picture post I'll use as an ad (I know you experienced guru's here will see flaws in my content, but I've gotta try stuff), point is - I've found a different way to share more content - has anyone used these Carousels before? Like the idea? hate the idea?
#marketingnoob #brainisasponge #loveithere #sharingiscaring :-)
Nick Hayes
Carousels in Facebook Ads - Seen 'em, used 'em???
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