Book Stuff V2
Huge thanks to you all for your help and support with book stuff (and more).
Very cool being around so many experts!
I've had my proof copies through from Amazon and I'm now published as kindle, Paperback and Hard Cover.
I can now look at:
  1. Other ways to publish/giveaway/pricing strategies
  2. Creating new FB ads for lead generation
  3. Learning how to create & use a book funnel
  4. Creating a new domain and landing page
  5. Working out the angle to use as an upsell for my change consultancy (change theme)
  6. Mind is blank, but probable other things.
As a positive on my journey, I'm starting to get trickles of interest coming through LinkedIn for my change management offer and experience.
Little jigsaw pieces slowly coming together!
Nick Hayes
Book Stuff V2
Frank Kern's Friendly Helping Community Of People Who Create And Sell Things Online.
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