Vision Board
One of the things that Jacob has taught me is that seeing is believing. I’ve worked with Jacob for a while now and his Lock Screen was always set to a vision board, something he would see every time he opened up his phone. Highlights of his accomplishments and future goals posted all over it. It inspired me to create one for myself last night. I created a vision of a life that I want to live.
Progress photo- A reminder of how far I’ve come
Socrates- A representation of being knowledgeable
Trainer- A future occupation I want to do for the love of fitness and helping others.
CBUM- I want to try out body building as early as night year.
An apartment- I have an apartment now but I know if I work harder I can be living in a better place.
UF- I just reapplied to get back into UF hopefully for the Spring semester.
PT- I would love to be a physical therapist and help people who are in pain live better lives.
Video- I have a passion for videography and want to tap into my creative side more.
Friends- I want to retain healthy and beneficial friendships.
Nature- To remind myself to spend more time outside and in the sun.
Groceries- To remind myself that I want to continue eating healthy to grow!
Healthy relationship- My girlfriend has been a huge role model in my life and I appreciate everything she does.
Just seeing this everyday has made me more motivated and I hope some of You guys set yourself up for success in minor ways like this!
Tyler Kimball
Vision Board
The Growth Games
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