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Join Slack Channel
Good day, everybody! As mentioned previously, I will be moving all content, courses, and communication from Skool to Slack. If you haven't joined the Slack channel, here's the link: I will see you all there :)
Slack Channel
Hello again! Based on preliminary feedback inside Skool, I've decided to create a channel in Slack where I will be posting helpful resources and content. Skool is likely to be used at some point in the future, but Slack will be the main channel moving forward. Here's the link to the community in Slack: I will see you there! Val
Is Skool good?
Hello guys! I’d like to understand your experience using Skool and whether it makes sense to continue running the community through Skool. The reason for this question is because I haven’t seen much engagement in this group. I’d appreciate your vote about the choice:
8 members have voted
New comment Jul 4
Optimal Numbers Course Survey
Hello all! A lot of you have expressed interest in participating in my course research. If you've missed the post, but are interested in helping me build the best E-commerce Finance course, you can take this 7-question survey. Here's the link: Your feedback is worth a ton of gold 🪙 Looking forward to your ideas!
New comment Jun 29
Course Research
Hi All! First off, I gotta apologize for the delay in the course release. Quiet frankly, it's been a chellenge to group content together to make your learning as effective and valuable as possible. I'd like to take a different approach. I am looking for 20 people to participate in my research so that I can connect the dots. The research will last about 30 min and will consist of a list of questions. As a reward, those who participate will get 80% OFF of paid "E-commerce Finance" course that will be released in Q4 / 2025. That's a different course from the free ones that will be dropped in the community :) If you are interested, send me a DM in Skool and I will arange the research with you. Thank you kindly. Val
New comment Jun 21
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Optimal Numbers
A community of e-commerce brand owners and experts who want to better understand and action their numbers to make more MONEY.
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