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Guitar Q&A with Dave Donoghue is happening in 5 days
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Welcome to Online Open Mic Lounge. Start by telling us a little about yourself by doing a post in the Introduce Yourself category. Then in Classroom is a quick Introduction course on how how it all works. Here is a link. It’s great to have you here. Housekeeping: Please be respectful of everyone here, let’s keep it about music and not get too carried away with the issues of the world. Support each other, and offer constructive criticism if its intent is to build the other person up. We’re all here to get a little better each day, let’s back each other up on that. Most important, just have some fun.
New comment 4d ago
What is everyone working on?
I’m working on a new song, inspired by @Miika Vuoriaho but i won’t be ready for this week, so I’ll do an old song for this week, and work on the new one for next week.
New comment 4h ago
What is everyone working on?
Have you ever had creatives' break?
Sometime creatives take a very long break when they are burnt out from engaging in creative activities too much. They often take even 1-2 years break before they start creating again. Have you ever had it? Weekly submissions would cause this to me haha
New comment 1d ago
Favorite music style?
Name up to 3 music genres that are your favorites.
New comment 4d ago
Where we currently rank
So currently, we rank #3476 in the Skool communities. I don’t know how many there are, but the goal is for us to start moving up the rank to increase our discoverability . The algorithm adjusts our ranking looking at engagement within the group and member growth. I’m really enjoying this community and we’re active discussing important aspects about music. Thank you so much to everyone who is contributing to this group, there is so much value here for people to learn from. Greatly appreciated everyone’s involvement. What can we do to keep pushing us up the rankings? 1.Links back to this community will help us to start ranking in Google, so if someone shares a valuable post, share that link externally. 2.If you know someone who would be interested, drop them an invite to the community. 3.Keep engaging in this community, making posts and interacting with other’s posts. We’ve already come so far, and it’s all thanks to everyone in this community. Let’s keep it up, and climb this ladder. Where would you like to see the group by the end of 2025?
4 members have voted
New comment 4d ago
Where we currently rank
1-30 of 99
Online Open Mic Lounge
The Online Open Mic Lounge is a community where you will accelerate your music career by practicing consistently in front a supportive audience.
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