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52 contributions to Online Open Mic Lounge
What is everyone working on?
I’m working on a new song, inspired by @Miika Vuoriaho but i won’t be ready for this week, so I’ll do an old song for this week, and work on the new one for next week.
New comment 3m ago
What is everyone working on?
0 likes • 9h
I'll wait to hear it 😎
Have you ever had creatives' break?
Sometime creatives take a very long break when they are burnt out from engaging in creative activities too much. They often take even 1-2 years break before they start creating again. Have you ever had it? Weekly submissions would cause this to me haha
New comment 1d ago
0 likes • 2d
I might have creative break this week cause im aint home producing. On the end of the week when im back ill check if I have some former productions i can turn into performance, but no promises
What are your goals in music?
What would you like to achieve? Why do you do music? Where do you see or imagine yourself within music industry? @everyone
New comment 5d ago
2 likes • 5d
My goal is just to do music that even some people like to hear, to bee seen and heard and I just love doing it. It would be great to get somewhere, but I sceptic on that, it just nice to keep it going and to make it to develop
How do you write a song in just one week?
Here some of you writes songs every week to submit them to open mic events here in this group. What is your work flow? What do you start with how you continue and how you complete it? Tell us more @Miika Vuoriaho @Luke Wilson @Justin Weir
New comment 5d ago
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@Martin Audio Music Production Services That was my 3 year old daughter sending you a feedback about your wring method 💪😄
2 likes • 5d
Wow, sounds like you channeling some sound from above, cool 😎 When I had my last band I used to compose like that sometimes, like the words, rhythm and melody be just dropped to my head. Some time i remember to be humming the chord progression and then the chorus vocals to the phone and composed after that with guitar. Maybe its how the best songs come. But recently there is too much on my head for anything to come up like that. I just grab a guitar, make some background and then start making words with a story to fit. But I know what you are talking about, maybe I should try to go back to that working on mind thing sometime.
What A Bridge Is In A Song
Hello guys! 😶👋 Happy Friday to everyone. 🤗Hope you are doing well. Here is my new input to the community. The bridge is a musical section of a song that connects two parts of a song. For example, a musical section that connects the verse to the chorus of a song serves is a bridge too but I rather xall it pre-chorus however it is a bridge considering it bridging function. A bridge usually sit between the last two 2nd and 3rd chorus of the song to add variation which is what I really call a bridge. You need a bridge to give a break to the listener from the original core and path that the song uses and avoid creating boredom. Before the song would become too repetitive and predictible add a bridge. Feel free to stop most of the instrument to reduce intensity as it goes before the last explosion which is the 3rd andxlast chorus of a song. In very short songs you don't necessarily need to add a bridge it is not a must and adding 3 choruses instead of just to is neither a must. I like to have 3 choruses done as mentioned in my previous post and thus I like to compose a bridge. Bridge should bring a totally different vibe for those few seconds in the song. Take the listener off the usual thing that they are used to until the bridge begins. You can have one instrument and derive some new chord progressions from the original chord progression but you can go as far as you want in feel and mood. Trip the listener somewhere to a new "space" new depths new dimension and slowly arrive back at the chorus as that or an instrumental solo follows. Work out the bridge the the way that feels natural when it starts right after the 2nd chorus and feels natural to come back to the chorus again but still keep it different and distinct for every other part of the song. You could just use an earlier section from a song and repeat it as a bridge played on one instrument trimmed down to its main melody for instance. There are several ways of making a bridge. In many cases the bridge is placed before the first chorus which is not like a prechorus and that bridge doesn't come back later even if the song is long with 3 choruses. There are songs with no bridge at all and in some cases the bridge if it is a very short bridge comes back twice between the prechorus and the chorus(often as part of the prechorus. It depends on how you feel it. When you feel it is necessary to add something new a new section to the song because that's the intuition you are getting just go ahead. There is more to talk about it 😊Do you have any questions? Let's grow together 👍🙏
New comment 5d ago
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@Martin Audio Music Production Services Yeah im Finnish. I don't say everyone is depressed but the state of mind is more melancholic than for example people living in central Europe, like Spain. I think the darkness is part of that, you cant be verry cheerful during to deepest winter when you rarely see the sun, but also its a cultural thing, so some people tend to like dark sounds on music to match their feelings I guess. Oh I understand that it can sound crazy to complain about the inflation to some. I don't know how its like elsewhere. Yeah some make it good here but regular people like me, if every price you have to pay goes up 100-200% its not too easy either. I don't know how to brake it down but keeping you house warm during the winter takes thousands and when that is doubled its damn much 😄. It would suck to wake up house being -25 degrees on winter 😁
0 likes • 5d
@Martin Audio Music Production Services I would probably die in few hours on 59 degrees 😂 its easy, you just hook up a fat lady from internet, get married so you get a permit to stay and then divorce 😁 thats what the africans are doing to stay here, work well, ask my sister 😂😂 Whats up in Philippines?
1-10 of 52
Miika Vuoriaho
30points to level up
Producing rock based music, but also various of other genres. I'm songwriter, guitarist and bass player.

Active 9h ago
Joined Jul 21, 2024
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