3d ago (edited) in Introductions
Introduction / navigating change and uncertainty
Hey everyone,
My name is Richard and while I've been signed up a few months now, I've never really engaged much. I'm 37 and (currently) work remotely from Thailand as a software engineer. However I found out that after my current project is complete, my employer doesn’t have any more work for me. I always knew this day might come, I've just been pretty comfortable and not taken any action to change since it was a great gig honestly. Many of my friends in the past said I was ‘living the dream’, working on my laptop in Thailand. And honestly I felt that I was, and I have been very fortunate to be able to support myself.
This isn't just some random employer either; I actually know these people personally and from university. So, this really can happen to anyone no matter how secure your current position is. Things out of my control have happened and It’s a reminder that relying on others for income is always a risk.
I have about a month or so to finish up my current project and then move on. What I move on to, though, is unclear right now.
Thankfully though I do have some savings, so I don't need to make any rushed decisions.
Right now, every idea for making money online is popping up and grabbing my attention.
Do I Look for a new job?
Do I use my software engineering skills to build something that could make me money or at least add projects to my CV if I stay in this field?
Compete on Upwork?
Is now the time I finally try Amazon FBA?
Should I start a Shopify/print-on-demand business?
What about these new YouTube faceless AI channels?
Or maybe I should create some kind of digital product?
I've also signed up for Remote Income Academy and completed two weeks, but I’ve been too busy with work to continue.
New day new idea... I think this is what they call shiny object syndrome.
If I stick with being a software engineer, I'd have to prepare for interviews, probably upskill more, do portfolio projects, etc., just to get an interview. Then there's the stress on top with interviews etc. And the reality is that after all that effort, I could just end up in the same position again. While I do enjoy building software and problem solving, and earning a living from my laptop is fantastic, I’m often just quite drained from staring at code for hours every day and It’s hard to shut off my mind…
The idea of trying something different is appealing to me, but I’ve never transitioned careers before. I still genuinely enjoy programming and problem-solving, but maybe that's just because it's familiar and safe.
I've been thinking about side hustles for years but never really got started.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you choose your next path?
My problem in the past has always been with over thinking and wanting things to be too perfect before starting, which has topped me from taking action in the past.
One day I think an idea is great, and the next day I'm onto something else. And time just passes by.
I’m not panicking or anything, but my mind is definitely quite restless right now.
I think this is the moment I've been waiting for though.. to finally try something different.
Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated!
Richard John
Introduction / navigating change and uncertainty
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