3 quick tips for more focus and productivity 🕑💸
1. Turn off notifications on the cell phone
(The goal is to prevent diversions
opinion that can take you out of focus)
2. Apps that limit your browsing time in social apps
(The goal is to prevent drifting into social apps and wasting time on videos and stories that don't really promote you)
3. Staying in a positive environment that contributes to your focus and does not take you out of focus
(Environment is very important, an environment of people who do not distract you but help you motivate yourself to action, is very important, even a quiet environment without people can help you focus a lot)
You invited Add in the comments more tips for productivity and focus on doing, have a good week and a wonderful day
It will be an amazing week 😇
Now I will have more focus 🕓
Doing one tip now for start 👑
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Meir geula Tzubari
3 quick tips for more focus and productivity 🕑💸
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